I am a PhD Candidate at the Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab at Technische Universität Darmstadt, supervised by Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych. I am working on Information Retrieval and Question Answering in the scientific domain. Previously, I did my Masters at Universiteit van Amsterdam in 2019 in Artificial Intelligence. I also worked on multimodal dialogue in Raquel Fernández's Dialogue Modelling Group. For more details, check out my current resume.


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✨ 2024/04/09 New paper from my Internship at Google, London! Take a look at the tweet below to get a TL;DR, or check out the paper on ArXiv for all the details.

Best-of-Venom: Attacking RLHF by Injecting Poisoned Preference Data


✨ 2023/05/23 UKP-SQuARE v3 has been accepted to ACL 2023 🥳  Check out the overview in the tweet below or find any details in the paper.


✨ 2023/03/31 New pre-print on UKP-SQuARE! We integrate multi-agent skills into the platform and compare several methods. Find all the details in the paper!

UKP-SQuARE v3: A Platform for Multi-Agent QA Research

✨ 2023/03/20 I was invited to talk about ChatGPT at a running podcast. It was a lot of fun to talk about both my passions NLP and running. Go check it out! (in German)

#110 | Laufende Unterhaltung mit ChatGPT

✨ 2022/12/07 I’m at EMNLP in Abu Dhabi! I’ll be presenting my poster on Saturday, come by to have a chat! You can also find the poster here:

✨ 2022/11/21 I present my latest work “Incorporating Relevance Feedback for Information-Seeking Retrieval using Few-Shot Document Re-Ranking” at the Huawei Search Engine Academic workshop. Find detailed slides about this work here:

✨ 2022/10/19 New pre-print available! In this paper we propose and compare methods on how to directly integrate relevance feedback into neural re-ranking. So happy that, the paper was accepted to EMNLP 🙀 Checkout the paper on arxiv. The code is also publicly available on GitHub!


Incorporating Relevance Feedback for Information-Seeking Retrieval...